How to Read a Performance Data Sheet
Performance Data Sheets can be confusing. Here's how we interpret them so you can too!
How to Read a Performance Data Sheet
Performance Data Sheets can be confusing. Here's how we interpret them so you can too!
Do Wildfires Impact our Water Quality?
Wildfires not only impact our air quality but they also impact our water quality. Read on to learn more and see how you can combat this.
How Often Should You Be Changing Your Filter?
Sometimes it's hard to know when it's time to change your filter. We hope this clears things up for you.
A Closer Look into BPA
What is BPA and is it bad for us? What can we do to minimize our contact with BPA?
Solid Carbon vs Granulated Carbon Filters: What's Better?
A lot of filters on the market are either solid activated carbon block filters or granulated activated carbon filters (GAC). How do they compare?
Cooking with Filtered Water
What does boiling get rid of in your water? Filtered water is always a great choice, but does it matter when it comes to cooking?


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