Bromodichloromethane, we filter that.
BROMODICHLOROMETHANE is a colorless, nonflammable liquid. Small amounts are formed naturally by algae in the oceans. Some of it will dissolve in water, but it readily evaporates into air.
Only small quantities of bromodichloromethane are produced in the United States. The small quantities that are produced are used in laboratories or to make other chemicals. However, most bromodichloromethane is formed as a by-product when chlorine is added to drinking water to kill bacteria. The most likely way people are exposed to bromodichloromethane is by drinking chlorinated water.
Filter Removal Rates
Pure Filter: >99.4%
Nano Filter: >99.4%
Everyday Filter: >99%
Outdoor Filter: >99.4%
Smart Shield: 95%
Fridge Filter: 97.14%