Interpreting a Data Performance Sheet
Our Performance Data Sheets contain a lot of information. It's not always the most intuitive thing to figure out. Here's how we interpret the data, so you can too!
First, let's start at the top.
The first box reveals which filter the test results are for, the capacity at which it's been tested, and the temperature at which the tests were conducted under. It's important that the temperature remain constant for the experiments so as to ensure temperature is not a variable that must be accounted for in the results.
For example, this means that for the Pure filter, it is rated for 150 gallons and after that, the percentage of each contaminant it removes will decrease.
Beneath that, you can find the date of our last round of testing. We routinely update our test results to ensure we can 100% back up the claims we make and so we can also test for new contaminants as more information surfaces.
We aim to be transparent with the standards that we test under, and ensure that our results comply with those standards. We do additional testing outside of that as we see fit so as to have a comprehensive list of the contaminants our filters remove.
Next, you will see a long list of the contaminants themselves. Let's take a look at the photo below.
In the Contaminant Column, you will see which contaminant is being tested.
In the Influent Water Column, you will find the volume of that contaminant present in the water sample. This will likely be measured in milligrams per liter (mg/L) or micrograms (µg/L) depending on the size of the contaminant itself.
Then, in the Filtered Water Column, you will see the volume of the contaminant present in the water once it's been passed through our filter.
And lastly, in the % Removal Column, you will find the percentage the filter removes of that contaminant based on the information in the two previous columns.
If you don't see a contaminant listed, we likely have not tested for it. We update our test results every year or so and if we get enough customers writing in about a particular contaminant, we will add it to our list. So feel free to let us know if you don't see a contaminant on our list!
We use three separate independent labs to do our testing. Reproducibility is an important component of scientific experiments, so by having three different labs test our filters, it allows us to be confident in our results.
Things to Consider
When looking at test results, or a performance data sheet, it is important to consider a few things as you analyze the results.
1. It is important to note whether a filter is being tested at gallon 1 or at various intervals in the filter's life. We call this capacity testing, and you will note that our filters are tested all the way up to gallon 150. Because after that, our percentages start to decrease. So that's how we determine how long each filter will last.
2. It is important what's included in the data sheet. You will want to ensure that the company is providing "before" and "after" results so you can be sure the contaminant removal percentage is based in something reliable.
3. Watch out for any lack of clarity. Sometimes, companies use misleading phrases to make their customers think they are making a claim that they cannot actually make. The more information, the better, and feel free to take your time to fully understand what you're seeing.
Check out all our Test Results here.
A Comparison of our Nano & Pure Filters