Epic Athlete




Hometown: Truman, Minnesota
Age: 35
BA Degree: Health & Exercise Science - Colorado State University
Current Home: Boulder, Colorado
Occupation: Pro Triathlete
"You can keep going and your legs will hurt for a week, or you can quit and your mind will hurt for a lifetime."
- Mark Allen, Legendary Ironman Champion
Ironman World Championship 2021: 4th Place
Ironman Tulsa 2021: 12th Place
Ironman Florida 2020: 1st Place
Ironman 70.3 Cozumel 2018: 5th Place
Ironman Boulder 2018: 1st Place
Ironman 70.3 Marbella 2018: 2nd Place
Ironman 70.3 Oceanside 2017: 2nd Place
Ironman Cozumel 2016: 3rd Place
Ironman Mont-Tremblant 2016: 1st Place
Ironman World Championship 2019: 10th Place
Ironman 70.3 Boulder 2019: 1st Place
Ironman Louisville 2018: 1st Place
Ironman 70.3 Mont-Tremblant 2016: 3rd Place
Ironman 70.3 Boulder 2016: 2nd Place
Ironman 70.3 Austin 2016: 1st Place
Ironman 70.3 Los Cabos 2015: 4th Place
Ironman 70.3 Buffalo Springs Lake 2015: 2nd Place
Ironman 70.3 San Juan 2015: 2nd Place

Clean Water
Questions About clean Water with chris
1) How did you begin your sport? My older brother was racing mountain bikes and really loved the sport and pulled an old trek frame out of the dumpster and built it up, gave it to me, signed me up for a triathlon and told me to start training. I raced an indoor tri in Mankato MN and won my first race and the rest is history.3) Why is filtered water important / why is reducing single use plastic important to you? Filtered water just simply tastes better but is also clean and safe. It's hard going to different cities and parts of the world and not knowing the quality of tap water. So just erring on the side of filtered water with Epic Water Filters is necessary. I actually get upset now when I see wasted single use plastic bottles. It makes zero sense to use plastic bottles for personal consumption. There is the easiest way to drink water and that’s with the filter and a Nalgene. I first used an Epic Water Filters pitcher at an Ironman in St. George, Utah. The water there tasted pretty bad compared to the water I was used to drinking in Boulder. Even some of the pasta I made tasted really bad like chlorine. I decided to make another pot of pasta but this time used water from my Epic pitcher. The pasta tasted way better. From that day forward, I have been using Epic products for all of my drinking and cooking water that I use both at home and on the road. I have the Smart Shield under the sink at my home in Boulder and I use the pitcher and bottles when I am on the road.
4) What is one piece of advice for young athletes hoping to make a difference in the world? Be kind, smile and use your platform for good. We are in an era of social media consumption and everyone wants to grow their brand, but doing something good with your athletic platform is what will make the difference. Making beneficial changes just by yourself is a great step forward, but us athletes have devoted followers that can also join you in that cause.
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